About Me

Hi there,my name is Dominic.

I am a fan of laptop computers and specifically cheap quality budget laptops.20140913_094744

I love laptops because I can bring them anywhere to work, versatile, robust, and are very handy when I need them . However, I’m not much a fan of overpriced laptops though, and even if you want a high performance laptop for gaming or professional work, I always believed that we can always find a great deal somewhere for less.

I, myself own a rather humble Lenovo IdeIpad that priced at just over USD$400 and ultimately costed me just a tad over USD$500 after adding some basic antivirus and original MS home office.

Performance wise, with an Intel Processor that can powered-up to 2.30GHz and 4GB RAM,  it is pretty good and it works just fine for me.

I could have probably gotten myself a cheaper one, but I was thinking for future choose when I could use more power and multitasking capability.

This website is dedicated to finding and reviewing quality budget laptops that are cheap, affordable, yet still have good quality in builds, performance, and trusted.

I am not too interested in very cheap laptops that have question marks all over them. Nevertheless, I will still do reviews on them though, just so that we can get a heads-up and help you guys to make a more informed decision before getting yourself one.

Thank you for visiting my website and I hope you will find my information and reviews helpful to you. If you have any questions or just want to say hi, just drop a comment below!



Founder of Cheap Budget Laptops

Email: dominic@cheapbudgetlaptops.com